Colloques et séminaires

1998 / 1999

Langage et Travail

Conservatoire national des arts et métiers

Institut national de recherche pédagogique


Language(s) at the workplace :
A Challenge for Education and Vocational Training


Pttrondrouge.gif (821 octets)   Proceedings (french only)

Pttrondrouge.gif (821 octets)   Abstracts


In the past 10 years a series of questions on the importance of language in the workplace has emerged, prompted by the rapid transformation of work and new technologies, to analyze the problems this wave of change may be creating in vocational training and education systems. Increasing demand for technical skills, generalization of writing skills in the workplace and new forms of organisation have changed the relationship between written and oral communication.

The objective of this conference was to update the links between the multi-disciplinary research of the "Langage et Travail" network and the research conducted in the fields of vocational training. One of its goals was to discuss the current developments of language in the workplace and to analyse its treatment in education and vocational training.

The conference was intended to researchers, students, professors, managers and those in the workforce- anyone concerned with language uses in the workplace and its importance in the world of education and vocational training in France and abroad.


[french version]